
Five-Minute Friday: No Motivation Required

Someone once said about me that I eat work. There’s a bit of truth to that statement, for I love to pursue a project until it’s done. But the downside to loving work is that I can take too much on. Do too much. Write too much. Speak too much. Have too many things taking my attention away from my family, friends, and own needs.

I’ve certainly lived the too-much life the last couple of years while doing my MA degree as well as writing a book and articles, speaking, and various other things. I’m not proud of the too-much state of life. It’s not healthy, and not one to emulate.

And so I know that in certain areas, I don’t need much motivation. Give me a project, and I will work hard to complete it. Where I find motivation harder can be for the open-ended sorts of things. A healthy lifestyle, with enough sleep, exercise, and good foods. Time to be and pray and rest. Fun “wasting” time with loved ones without an agenda.

Soon I will be done with big deadlines, at least until March. I hope I can stay motivated to pursue the less definable but important goals.

How about you? How do you motivate yourself?

This post is part of the weekly Five Minute Friday link-up. You can find today’s prompt here.

15 Responses

  1. Hey Amy, I had to jump over here. HOPE is my life word. I wrote a book, 31 Days of Hope. It’s worth the read and available on Amazon!!! Thank you so much for visiting my spot in cyberspace and leaving a comment. Take it easy friend on the “too much!!!” Blessings.

  2. I hadn’t thought about how some goals are easier than others because we can see more easily when we have achieved them. I relate to trying to do too much and I am trying to focus on the “ongoing habit” kind of goals like time with God and getting more sleep. This reminds me to think about what I need to do to stay motivated.

  3. Oh my – I could use just a bit extra of that inner drive/no motivation needed energy! I definitely have to focus and discipline myself more but a project completed and done well is still a great motivator!

  4. I agree – motivation in some areas is much easier than in others. Tackling those hard things is challenging. Good luck with those places where it is harder for you to find motivation. – Lori, FMF #32

  5. I love the phrase “eat work” and think it’s awesome that you can recognize that as something you need to work on. I on the other hand, need to practice this concept a bit more, sometimes when a project is big I get overwhelmed and tend to hide from it for awhile.
    Here’s to a new year and new focus!

    1. Big projects can get so overwhelming! My mentor helped me so much when I was approaching writing my MA dissertation, by helping me break it down into little pieces. Indeed, here’s to a new year!

  6. Oh, how I relate! I’m a too-much gal too. The start of the new year and the inspiration I have unfortunately goes beyond my capacity. I’ve had to step it back a bit. Hoping to finish my goal planning tonight so I can really get my focus down. Because being a too-much gal without focus can bring about a whole bunch of crazy for me. 😉 PS – I’m your neighbor to the right this week. 🙂

  7. It’s funny how with some things we are easily motivated and with others the motivation is low. I have trouble staying motivated with my goal of losing weight and being more fit. It seems I make progress and then fall back. But I will get back to it and pray for the right motivation. 🙂 Blessings to you, dear Amy! xo sSo glad you and Cara got some time together. How fun!

  8. I could do with a bit more motivation for my writing this year, Amy. Such a busy year ahead though with my son’s wedding in the US followed by UK celebration. Still, looking forward to my book launch in March and learning from the lessons from the last one!

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