
Devotional of the week: Our Life’s Story (3 in 1 Peter 4 series)

darrowobituary04They will have to give account to him who is ready to judge the living and the dead. 1 Peter 4:5

Some time ago, I was asked to draft, in advance, an obituary for a Christian leader. The task weighed on me, for not only was there no immanent deadline (thankfully, the person was in good health), but I recoiled from summing up the life of another. Finally I dedicated some time to the task and wrote a draft, although later I heard that it wasn’t what they had in mind.

Have you ever thought what you’d like for your obituary? Or what you’d write for one close to you? After my failed attempt, I read a friend’s lively and touching memories of her husband, who had died of cancer. After reading her short account I felt like I knew him, realizing also where my draft of the obituary came up short.

Even more daunting than writing an obituary will be giving our account of our life to God. Do you imagine the scenes flashing before you of every stinging comment, indiscreet action, or prideful boast? I know we will be judged for our sins, but I also know that Jesus will be there standing in our stead, our advocate and ambassador. Yet his redeeming us doesn’t give us license to sin all the more. For as we become more like him, we shrink from that which is unholy as we yearn to bring glory to God.

Prayer: Lord Jesus, may my life’s account be filled with stories of hope and redemption, for your sake. Amen.

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